
按其级别之一对多索引 pandas 数据框进行分组?

本文介绍了按其级别之一对多索引 pandas 数据框进行分组?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述

是否可以按多索引级别之一对多索引(2 级)pandas 数据框进行分组?

Is it possible to groupby a multi-index (2 levels) pandas dataframe by one of the multi-index levels ?


The only way I know of doing it is to reset_index on a multiindex and then set index again. I am sure there is a better way to do it, and I want to know how.


是的,使用 level 参数.看看这里.示例:

Yes, use the level parameter. Take a look here. Example:

In [26]: s first second third bar doo one 0.404705 two 0.577046 baz bee one -1.715002 two -1.039268 foo bop one -0.370647 two -1.157892 qux bop one -1.344312 two 0.844885 dtype: float64 In [27]: s.groupby(level=['first','second']).sum() first second bar doo 0.981751 baz bee -2.754270 foo bop -1.528539 qux bop -0.499427 dtype: float64


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