
不能让jQuery的AJAX调用最后4分多钟,甚至超时设置,净:: ERR


不能让jQuery的AJAX调用最后4分多钟,甚至超时设置,净:: ERR

不能让jQuery的AJAX调用最后4分多钟,甚至超时设置,净:: ERR

我有一个Node.js的服务器上运行,而我做了一系列的AJAX调用通过jQuery该服务器。一个Ajax调用,预计花费大约5分钟才能完成。我发现,在致电时,它总是超时,正好4分钟,用错误的净:: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE“。我所看到的问题,比如下面:ajax net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE after waiting for response for 2 mins - node.js server但如果我设置的超时参数(无论是作为0,这意味着在jQuery的“无超时”,或者,如果我把它看成是4分多钟更大发生这种情况无论 - 例如300000,其为5分钟)。它发生在上DOT,每一次4分钟。

有没有人有会出现这种情况的任何想法?是否有jQuery的AJAX调用的上限,能维持多久需要 - 不管什么超时参数设置的?



try {
    var ajaxCallConfig = {                                                                   
        method: action,                                                                      
        url: url,
        data: jsonToSend,
        contentType: "application/json",                                                     
        success: function (ret) {
        error: function (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { 
            // I ALWAYS end up in this block, with a net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE being thrown, when I call this function to the long running api endpoint
            console.log("Error on Ajax call to " + url + "; json " +                         
                JSON.stringify(jsonToSend) +
                ";  text status: " + textStatus +
                "; error thrown: " + JSON.stringify(xhr));                                   
            // check if it was a timeout
            if (textStatus === 'timeout') {
                // some error handling my server does specific to timeouts...
                // left it out as it's not relevant... 
                // note : never hit this block, when the net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE issue happens. (when i call the long-running api)
                // but I hit this block if i give some dummy low value to the 'timeout' param to force a timeout.                                                                      
            else { 
                if (xhr.responseJSON) { 
                    // under this case, server sent the response and set                     
                    // the status code
                else { 
                    // under this case, the error status is not set by                       
                    // server, it may due to other reasons                                   
                    deferred.reject("Connection Error: " +
                        " Connection to server cannot be established");                      
    if (typeof timeout !== 'undefined') { 
        console.log("set a timeout of " + timeout);  // timeout is definitely being set, as I see this in console logs                                       
        ajaxCallConfig.timeout = timeout;  // timeout attr does work , because when I try this with a very low number, say 300, it times out immediately                                                  
    jQuery.ajax(ajaxCallConfig);  // here we're making the ajax call                                                           

// catch块,功能其余..


作为回答@MadWard - 我想如果任何人在这里发表这个不断跌倒在这!这是运行服务器的NodeJS(其中埃杰克斯是发送Ajax调用),似乎有4分钟的默认超时。所以不管我指定什么超时的jQuery制作的电话,如果通话时间超过4分钟,服务器本身会出错误。


var server = app.listen(serverPort, function () {                                                
    var host = server.address().address
    var port = server.address().port                                                             
    console.log("Example app listening at http://%s:%s", host, port)                             
server.timeout = 600000; // this was not set before.  The default appeared to have been 4 minutes. Setting this fixed it!  (NOTE this should be in milliseconds - so this is 10 minutes!)


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