
节点:AWS KMS从内存中删除公钥


节点:AWS KMS从内存中删除公钥

节点:AWS KMS从内存中删除公钥

从KMS操作GenerateDataKey .html的文档中>

We recommend that you use the following pattern to encrypt data locally in your application:

Use the GenerateDataKey operation to get a data encryption key.

Use the plaintext data key (returned in the Plaintext field of the response) to encrypt data locally, then erase the plaintext data key from memory.


const aws = require("aws-sdk");
const kms = new aws.KMS({...config});

(async () => {

    /** {Plaintext: Buffer, CiphertextBlob: Buffer} **/
    let dataKey = await kms.generateDataKey({...options}).promise();

    let encryptedString = MyEncryptionFunction(dataKey.Plaintext, "Hello World");

    dataKey.Plaintext.fill(0); //overwrite the buffer with zeroes to erase from memory;

function MyEncryptionFunction(key, dataString) {
    let iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
    let cipher = crypto.createCipheriv("aes256", key, iv);
    return cipher.update(dataString, "utf8", "hex") + cipher.final("hex");

可以安全地假设aws sdk不会将密钥泄漏/复制到内存的其他部分,并且与内置加密库的createCipheriv函数相同,因此只需将零覆盖Plaintext缓冲区应该从内存中充分擦除密钥吗?

从KMS操作的文档中GenerateDataKey .html我们建议您使用以下模式来加密数据...

回答如下:这是适用于JavaScript的AWS Encryption SDK所做的[1]。实际上,如果Encryption SDK提供了所需的功能,我建议只使用它。


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